Exploring the Muslim community in the heart of Manila: A comparative study of the attitudes and perceptions of Muslims and non-Muslims in Quiapo, Manila
Motivation and travel risk in visiting Camarines Sur during COVID–19 pandemic
Technology management practices among electric cooperatives in CARAGA
Technology requirements assessment for the development of digital logic trainer
Iranian EFL learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of good and poor language learners: Points of convergence and divergence
2014 IJRSLL – Volume 3 Issue 5 Author/s: Tamimi Sa’d, Seyyed Hatam* Urmia University, Iran (Shtamimi90@gmail.com) Gholami, Javad Urmia University, Iran (j.gholami@gmail.com) Abstract: This qualitative…
Teachers and students’ perceptions of code switching in aviation language learning courses
2016 IJRSLL – Volume 5 Issue 3 Author/s: Rasouli, Abdolaziz English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran (aziz_r60@yahoo.com) Simin, Shahla* English Department, Najafabad…
Perceptions of vocabulary teaching methods among EFL teachers
2017 IJRSLL – Volume 6 Issue 2 Author/s: Bouirane, Ahlam* Mohamed Lamine Dabaghine University Sétif 2, Algeria (b.ahlam@outlook.com) Abstract: This paper investigates the perceptions of…
Prospective teachers’ views toward the use of English as the medium of instruction in early childhood classes in the United Arab Emirates
2017 IJRSLL – Volume 6 Issue 1 Author/s: Ismail, Sadiq Abdulwahed Ahmed* United Arab Emirates University, UAE (Iyad333@hotmail.com) Shaban, Mohamad Sadeg United Arab Emirates University,…
Improvisation in teaching physics concepts: Teachers’ experiences and perceptions
2016 IJRSET – Volume 5 Issue 1 Author/s: Kira, Ernest* Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (klesiani@yahoo.com) Nchunga, Ayubu Korogwe Teachers College, Tanzania (ayubnchunga@yahoo.com) Abstract: The…