Academic self-regulated learning and health practices of Chinese students

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
CollabWritive Special Issue
Volume 13 Issue 10

Available Online:  30 July 2024


Li, Lincan
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (


This paper explored the interrelationship between academic self-regulation learning and health practice among Chinese students and how these two together influence personal development. Data on their academic self-regulation abilities and health practices were collected from questionnaires of 325 Chinese students. The study found that the majority of respondents were female, freshmen, and nutrition students. The findings showed that respondents showed different degrees of ability in self-regulation learning, of which executive control was a particularly prominent link in their self-regulation practice. However, despite the positive factors, some students encountered difficulties in initial goal setting and consistent implementation of the strategies. Furthermore, although most students maintained good health habits, such as a balanced diet, regular physical exercise and adequate sleep, promoting their overall well-being and academic performance, some students had difficulty maintaining these healthy habits due to academic stress and insufficient time. Academic self-regulation showed significant differences between gender and grade, generally stronger in female and senior students. Studies also showed a significant correlation between students’ self-regulation abilities and their academic and individual success. In light of this, the study proposed an action plan to improve students’ academic and health outcomes through the development of academic skills (e. g., time management and strategic learning) and the promotion of physical activities, appropriate nutrition and stress management skills. Based on the above findings, the study presented specific recommendations for school administrators, parents, teachers, and students. These recommendations included incorporating self-regulation training in the curriculum, providing resources for healthy lifestyles, creating conditions to support academic growth and personal development in home settings, and integrating self-regulation learning strategies into teaching practices. Furthermore, future researchers were advised to conduct longitudinal studies to explore cross-cultural differences and to examine innovative strategies to improve academic self-regulating learning and health habits.

Keywords: academic self-regulated, health practices, Chinese students



Cite this article:
Li, L. (2024). Academic self-regulated learning and health practices of Chinese students. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(10), 33-42.