Digital reading attitude, behavior, and use among Chinese EFL students

International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 10 Issue 1

Available Online: 1 August 2024


Wang, Shanshan
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (


With the rise of the Internet and various portable intelligent devices, digital reading has become increasingly popular. Since technology is developing quickly nowadays, discussions about the effects of digital media on the young generation are getting increasingly popular. Moreover, social media has become essential to young people’s lives. It plays a vital role in many aspects of teenagers’ lives and changes their ways of receiving information and reading habits. Thus, this study determined the academic digital reading attitudes, behavior, and use among Chinese EFL students in order to propose an enhanced reading program for Chinese EFL students. Through a descriptive research design to describe and explain the variables identified, the study included 400 Chinese EFL students. As a result of the descriptive statistical analysis, the study revealed that most of the respondents are female, in freshman or junior year, and from urban areas. Furthermore, the study also revealed that English reading through the use of digital devices is useful for gaining information, as a form of relaxation, and for developing independent readers and digital academic English reading makes information-gathering easier for daily study needs, helps broaden the perspectives of individuals, provides an accessible way for students to learn. However, this may pose some health risks to individuals. The study also found that the internet ensures that learners are connected to the world and to different kinds of ideas. However, internet usage may also be a problem when users lack discipline and self-control. Inferential statistical analysis, meanwhile, showed that sex, grade level, and place of origin are not significant to reading attitudes. Only grade level is significant to digital reading behavior. Sex and grade level are relevant to internet usage and online reading habits. Reading attitudes are related to digital reading behavior, while digital reading behavior and digital reading use are also significantly related. An enhanced reading program for Chinese EFL students was proposed. The research recommends that strategies to further enhance digital academic reading may be developed by teachers to enhance the reading curriculum. Specifically, teachers may focus on encouraging students to engage in extensive reading to further enhance their reading skills. Teachers must focus on ensuring that the student’s English proficiency is continuously enhanced through digital reading. Finally, more activities should be designed to incorporate the practice of digital reading and English language learning.

Keywords: digital reading attitude, digital reading behavior, digital reading use



Cite this article:
Wang, S. (2024). Digital reading attitude, behavior, and use among Chinese EFL students. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 10(1), 131-146.