Transformational leadership, social network and enterprise performance of high tech enterprises in China: Basis for a corporate performance improvement model

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
CollabWritive Special Issue
2023 Volume 11 Issue 4

Available Online: 15 August 2023


Liu, Xia
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (


The study aimed to examine the transformational leadership, social network and corporate performance of technology-based enterprises in China to help business leaders build a good social network system to improve the leadership abilities of the leaders, thereby improving the enterprise performance and promoting the rapid growth of technology-based enterprises to drive the country’s economic development, thereby became the basis in developing a corporate business model. The study adopted a descriptive research design to fully and accurately interpret the research results. The respondents are mainly the selected 2100 managers from the different company’s management personnel, who have a clearer understanding of the overall situation of the company and can make more accurate judgments, understanding and feedback on the research content to ensure the objective authenticity and reliability of the questionnaire. The survey was conducted in the form of electronic questionnaires. The Raosoft sample size calculator was used to determine the sample size of 379 employees, using 95% confidence and 5% error margin. Results of the study showed that the respondents agreed on all the indicators of transformational leadership. The high-tech managers agreed that their social network is on average as to network scope, network heterogeneity and network relationship strength. The enterprise performance is good with reference to financial performance, growth performance and innovation performance. The findings of the study implied that there is a strong positive relationship between Transformational Leadership and Social Network, Transformational Leadership and Enterprise Performance, and Social Network and Enterprise Performance. A corporate business model was developed to highlight the transformational leadership, social network and enterprise performance of high-tech industries.

Keywords: transformational leadership, social network, enterprise performance, high tech enterprise, corporate performance



Cite this article:
Liu, X. (2023). Transformational leadership, social network and enterprise performance of high tech enterprises in China: Basis for a corporate performance improvement model. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 11(4), 1-13.