Willingness to Communicate (WTC), Phonetics Learning Strategies (PLS), and Self-Perceived Communicative Competence (SPCC) among Chinese English majors

International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 10 Issue 3

Available Online: 15 July 2024


Miao, Jixing
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines


English language proficiency has become increasingly important for individuals seeking to engage in international communication and pursue global opportunities. As a result, understanding the factors that influence language learning and communicative competence has become a significant area of research. A questionnaire survey was conducted to gather quantitative data from a sample of 428 students from English majors. Additionally, interviews were conducted with a subset of participants to obtain qualitative insights into their experiences and perceptions. By employing this approach, a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between WTC, PLS, and SPCC can be achieved. The results of this study revealed that English learners preferred to show their unwillingness to communicate in English outside the classroom; inside the classroom; they preferred to sing an English song than other activities; English learners tend to use social strategies more than affective, cognitive, memory, and meta-cognitive strategies; Respondents may not perceive themselves as highly competent in aspects of using English with teachers and classmates, activities and in daily life situations. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the existing literature on language learning and communicative competence among Chinese English majors. By identifying the factors that influence WTC, PLS, and SPCC, this research could inform the development of effective language teaching strategies and curriculum design. Addressing language anxiety, enhancing motivation, and providing ample language exposure opportunities can foster a positive learning environment that promotes WTC, PLS, and SPCC among Chinese English majors. In general, this dissertation aimed to shed light on the complex interplay between willingness to communicate, phonetics learning strategies, and self-perceived communicative competence among Chinese English majors. By investigating these variables and their relationships, this research sought to contribute to the field of language education and provide practical implications for language educators and policymakers.

Keywords: Willingness to Communicate, Phonetics Learning Strategies, Self-perceived Communicative Competence, Chinese English majors


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsll.2024.032

Cite this article:
Miao, J. (2024). Willingness to Communicate (WTC), Phonetics Learning Strategies (PLS), and Self-Perceived Communicative Competence (SPCC) among Chinese English majors. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 10(3), 101-111. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsll.2024.032