School environment, cooperative learning and English language deep learning strategy among Chinese college students

International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 10 Issue 1

Available Online: 15 April 2024


Li, Haiyan
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (


In an era where English serves as a global lingua franca, its mastery is crucial, especially in countries like China, where internationalization is rapidly progressing. This dissertation delves into the relationship among English language deep learning strategies, cooperative learning, and the school environment in Chinese colleges. The primary objective is to investigate how deep learning strategies are employed by Chinese college students in their English language studies, assess the impact of cooperative learning on their language proficiency, and understand the role of the school environment in shaping their language learning experiences. To address these aims, the study adopted a quantitative research approach, employing a variety of methods to collect, analyze, and interpret numerical data. Surveys, standardized tests, and academic records formed the core of the data collection process, providing a comprehensive view of the students’ language learning strategies, their engagement in cooperative learning activities, and the nature of their educational environments. The study’s findings revealed that students engaging in deep learning strategies, such as critical analysis, reflective practices, and concept integration, exhibited higher English proficiency levels. Cooperative learning emerged as a significant factor, with students participating in group-based activities and peer interactions showing marked improvements in their language skills, particularly in speaking and listening. Furthermore, the research underscored the importance of a supportive school environment, noting that resources, positive teacher attitudes, and an immersive English atmosphere were closely linked to better language learning outcomes. Cultural factors, including attitudes towards English and its perceived career value, also influenced students’ motivation to learn. These insights lead to several implications for educational practice. Curriculum designs emphasizing deep learning over rote memorization, pedagogical approaches that incorporate cooperative learning, and policies fostering English-friendly school environments are recommended. Additionally, acknowledging the cultural context of English learning is vital, suggesting the integration of language instruction with cultural elements to enhance relevance and appeal. In conclusion, this dissertation contributes significantly to the understanding of English language acquisition among Chinese college students. It underscores the importance of deep learning strategies, cooperative learning, and a supportive educational environment, offering valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and academic institutions. The findings advocate for evidence-based educational practices tailored to the unique context of China’s integration into the global community, aiming to enhance English language learning outcomes among college students.

Keywords: school environment, cooperative learning, English language deep learning strategy



Cite this article:
Li, H. (2024). School environment, cooperative learning and English language deep learning strategy among Chinese college students. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 10(1), 67-81.