Change management strategies and organizational effectiveness in Chinese universities

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
CollabWritive Special Issue
Volume 13 Issue 3

Available Online:  2 March 2024


Yang, Jia Xun
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines


The primary objective of this research is to analyze how effective Chinese universities are in regard to the change management techniques they have implemented. By using literature reviews, theoretical discussions, and empirical case analysis, it provides a comprehensive summary of the research status of change management in domestic and foreign universities. It also analyzes the selection, implementation, and evaluation methods of change management strategies in universities, as well as the evaluation status, issues, and strategies for improving organizational effectiveness. The descriptive research design and methods include the analysis of the relationship between change management and organizational effectiveness, quantitative analysis of variable correlations, exploration of causal relationships, and the selection, description, analysis, and summary of empirical cases. This research aims to improve organizational performance by broadening our knowledge of the connection between strategies for managing change, university evaluation in China and providing theoretical and practical guidance for change administration at universities.

Keywords: change management strategies, organizational effectiveness, higher education, research design



Cite this article:
Yang, J. X. (2024). Change management strategies and organizational effectiveness in Chinese universities. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(3), 159-171.