Winarko, Hilarius Bambang*
Management Department, Sampoerna University, Indonesia (
Manshur, Anis Thoha
Marketing & Business Development, Kofera Technology, Indonesia (
Indonesia has become a grow developing country with more than 260 million of people in size and 132 million Internet subscribers are interconnected. The Internet penetration and the number of online shoppers in Indonesia continues to grow significantly. This study aimed to analyze online consumer behavior outside Java Island based-on Lazada Indonesia’ case, in-order to provide solutions to reach new target markets in each province. The study was using online survey method and descriptive statistics analysis which used Lazada Indonesia’s customers and non-customer as the target respondents. Some variables such as online shopping motivation, media accessed, product category preferences and other variables associated with online shopping were included in the research. The results indicated a significant growth in mobile device purchases by online shopping and high demand in fashion product categories. Digital marketing efforts would also become important tools in online marketing activities.
Keywords: e-commerce; digital marketing; online consumer behavior; online retailing; online shopping
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