Teacher effectiveness scale in higher education: Development and psychometric properties

2013 IJRSE – Volume 2 Issue 2


Calaguas, Glenn M.*
Pampanga Agricultural College, Philippines (glenn_calaguas@yahoo.com)


This study focused with the development and psychometric properties of a scale that measures teacher effectiveness in higher education. Extant literature on effective teachers served as bases for the construction of a 107-item initial scale and 497 higher education students served as participants. Results of the study showed that there were four dimensions of teacher effectiveness in higher education. These dimensions identified in the scale posses the psychometric properties of internal consistency and validity. The internal consistency estimate of the sub-scales using Cronbach coefficient α ranged from 0.707 to 0.968 while the overall internal consistency estimate of the scale was 0.972. On the other hand, validity was evaluated using factor analysis with items having factor loadings of 0.500 and above retained. Thus, the resulting Teacher Effectiveness Scale in Higher Education (TESHE) is a psychometrically sound scale that measures the multidimensional aspects of teacher effectiveness in higher education.

Keywords: development; higher education; scale; teacher effectiveness; validation


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2012.108

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