Exploring classroom discourse: Language in action by Steve Walsh (2011)

2016 IJRSLL – Volume 5 Issue 4


Kia Heirati, Javad*
University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran (Javad.kiaheirati@yahoo.com)

Kia Heirati, Hamideh
Shahed School, Iran (Hamideh.kiaheirati@yahoo.com)


The central aim of this book is to give teachers an insight to make them aware of what is going on in their classrooms. As Walsh mentions that the central thesis of the book is that “language teachers can improve their professional practice by developing a closer understanding of classroom discourse and, in particular, by focusing on the complex relationship between language, interaction and learning” (p. 1). Providing a framework (self-evaluation of teacher talk or SETT model) for language teachers, he aims at raising the awareness of language teachers about their actions in the classroom. Another term in line with SETT framework is the notion of CIC (classroom interactional competence) that guides the teachers to use interaction as a tool to give their learners enough opportunities for learning.

Keywords: classroom discourse; teacher talk; SETT framework; CIC


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsll.2015.1324

*Corresponding Author