Perceptions of vocabulary teaching methods among EFL teachers

2017 IJRSLL – Volume 6 Issue 2


Bouirane, Ahlam*
Mohamed Lamine Dabaghine University Sétif 2, Algeria (


This paper investigates the perceptions of EFL teachers towards vocabulary teaching in the EFL classroom. The participants in this study are three oral expression teachers and 32 teachers at the English Language and Literature Department at Mohamed Lamine Dabaghine University, Sétif 2-Algeria. The research follows a quantitative and a qualitative design that uses a questionnaire and an observation respectively to answer its questions. The questionnaire collected the perceptions of the participants about their vocabulary teaching method. The observation phase was conducted to compare the responses of the observed participants with their actual classroom teaching methods. Analysis of the questionnaire data revealed that the teacher participants have a low perception of vocabulary teaching methods. Moreover, analysis of the obtained results from the observation revealed low vocabulary methods teaching perceptions and lack of awareness among the teachers in terms of vocabulary teaching methods use.

Keywords: English as a Foreign Language; vocabulary; vocabulary teaching methods; perceptions; teacher awareness



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