Available Online: 25 January 2012
Hsu, Tsu-Chia*
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC (hsuinuk@gmail.com)
It is hypothesized that students who are categorized in the C-level (low level) Achievement Grouping (AG) in English instruction classes did not necessarily performed at their peak potential in English language competence. Furthermore, it is assumed that the underlying concepts behind the low achievement levels may lies in two assumptions. First, Brophy (2004) addressed the situation with four categories of students based upon how expectancy-related motivational problems might cause students to develop low expectations for themselves. Second, the concept involving the use of AG, might have cause some of the more capable students to lower their achievement levels in English. In response, an action research was accomplished using a Cooperative Task-Based Learning (CTBL) model, based on the concept of learning motivation for students with low achievement levels in an attempt to enhance the students’ English competencies. To evaluate the effectiveness of such teaching methodology, data were collected in the form of interview accounts, self-reflective logs, field notes, observations, and students’ work sheets. Results show that numerous positive outcomes from both the teachers’ and the students’ perspectives were noted from the use of the CTBL. In addition, results also show that cooperative group work has proven to be an effective learning strategy. Lastly, useful implications based on the findings were given to shed light on issues regarding the positive effects of skilled-based curriculum designs.
Keywords: low achiever; cooperative learning; task based learning; achievement grouping; second language motivational factors
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2012.v1i2.75
Cite this article:
Hsu, T.-C. (2012). Promoting development with low achievement grouping students in Taiwan. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 1(2), 55-69. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2012.v1i2.75
*Corresponding Author