2014 IJRSET – Volume 3 Issue 1
Davoodi, Shahla*
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Isfahan, Iran (Shahla_davoodi46@yahoo.com)
Along with development of information technology and its important applications in education, the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has developed significantly during the past decades. This study seeks to find the effectiveness of multimedia-based learning materials in improving L2 grammar proficiency of Iranian high school learners and also investigates the attitudes of the learners toward CALL. The sample consists of 116 female high school students in Isfahan. They were divided into three groups (two experimental groups and a control group). The first experimental group was instructed through multimedia-based materials, the second one via combined use of multimedia-based materials and the textbook, while the control group was taught conventionally by means of textbook. The results showed that the use of multimedia-based materials led to higher ability of the learners in English grammar and CALL could be used as an effective instructional method for improving L2 grammar proficiency of the learners. The results of the questionnaire, on the other hand, indicated positive inclination of the learners toward the use of CALL materials in language learning. The outcomes of this study can hopefully open a new way to help EFL learners to develop their L2 proficiency more effectively.
Keywords: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL); language proficiency; grammar proficiency; multimedia-based materials; combined use of multimedia and textbook
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrset.2014.693
*Corresponding Author