Comparison between university undergraduates and school teachers’ perceptions on the role of information technology in teaching and learning in Morogoro municipality

2016 IJRSET – Volume 5 Issue 2


Kira, Ernest Simon*
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (


This study determined the perceptions of undergraduates (University teacher trainees) and school teachers on the use of information technology in Teaching and learning in Morogoro municipal. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 216 undergraduates who were pursuing Bachelor of Science with Education courses at Sokoine University of Agriculture and 160 school teachers. Data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) whereby chi-square test statistic was applied. It was observed that there is greater number of undergraduates than school teachers who responded that, using IT in teaching raises enjoyment, save time, motivates learners and that text book is easily used than using IT. However, the percentage of teachers who thought that IT improves the school administration was higher than that of undergraduates. Also, both male and female teachers and undergraduates have nearly similar perceptions on the role of IT in simplifying teachers’ role in the classroom.

Keywords: information technology; undergraduates; school teachers; teaching; perceptions



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