Rouf, Kazi Abdur*
York Center for Asian Research, Canada (
Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada
Noble International University, USA
The purpose of this empirical policy research is to explore the policies, procedures, and strategies of the new social business equity funding project of the Grameen sister organizations, and to identify challenges facing second-generation of GB borrowers in running their small social businesses in Bangladesh. The study examines whether second-generation of Grameen Bank (GB) borrowers participate in family and community green enterprises in a more egalitarian way than their parents; examine whether they are involved in recycling/repairing green businesses as an alternative to consumer credit; are these social business borrowers advocates for the Sixteen Decisions of GB (a holistic socioeconomic and environmental messages), for alleviating rural unemployment and social injustice, and for other social issues. The study also look at whether these borrowers encourage their neighbouring unemployed young to be involved in small business in order to address these social issues in Bangladesh. The research findings would help the Yunus Center social business design lab and the social business equity funding implementing agencies Grameen Bank and Grameen sister organizations to improve the social business funding program for better services to second-generation borrowers of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. The research generates a new knowledge of social financing and green financing, and social and green-enterprise development that could be used by social and community green-financing organizations elsewhere in the world. The findings of the research has shared with Grameen Bank, the later being the Grameen sister organizations’ executive.
Keywords: Grameen Bank; equity funding; new entrepreneur, social business
*Corresponding Author