Product quality, brand reputation and marketing strategies: Basis for enhanced marketing management framework

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 8

Available Online: 30 July 2024


Zhao, Yining
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (


Innovative marketing strategies effectively communicate the value proposition of your high-quality products and the positive aspects of your brand reputation. This applies to the Guangdong manufacturing industry. The study aimed to explore the correlation between product quality, brand reputation, and marketing strategies of Guangdong manufacturing enterprises as a basis in developing marketing management innovation framework. The study used a descriptive method and utilized the self-made questionnaire as the data-gathering instrument. Participants of the study were 400 employees from Manufacturing enterprises in Guangdong provinces. Weighted mean and rank were used to describe the product quality in terms of functionality, reliability, safety, aesthetics; assess the brand reputation management as to awareness, recognition, trust, and reputation stability; determine the marketing strategies with reference to market positioning, product pricing, channel management, and brand cooperation. Spearman rho was used to test the significant relationship as part of the non-parametric tests. All analyzes were performed using SPSS version 28.

Keywords: product quality, brand reputation, marketing strategies, manufacturing enterprises



Cite this article:
Zhao, Y. (2024). Product quality, brand reputation and marketing strategies: Basis for enhanced marketing management framework. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(8), 53-67.