Entrepreneurial skills, orientation and intention: Basis for students’ entrepreneurial framework

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 6

Available Online: 15 July 2024


Song, Wanjing
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines


In the dynamic and evolving landscape of China’s economy, fostering entrepreneurship among business students is crucial for driving innovation, job creation, and economic growth. This study delves into the entrepreneurial skills, orientation, and intention among business students in Henan Vocational Colleges, China, providing a basis for developing a comprehensive entrepreneurial framework. Descriptive design was used in the study as it aimed to explore and understand the current state of entrepreneurial skills, orientation, and intention among business students in Henan Vocational Colleges. Descriptive research is well-suited for exploratory research as it can provide a general understanding of the topic understudy. The survey questionnaire was the data gathering instrument used since it is a versatile and effective data gathering instrument for this study. They are well-suited for the research question, easy to administer and analyze, cost-effective, standardized, flexible, and capable of reaching a wide audience. The study’s respondents are the 399 business students at Henan Vocational Colleges. Results of the study showed that the respondents agreed on their entrepreneurial skills as to their business management skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills, and risk-taking and resilience skills, and it implied that they have a strong foundation of entrepreneurial skills that could be valuable in starting and running a business. They have moderate agreement on their entrepreneurial orientation as to autonomy, innovativeness, and pro-activeness, suggesting that respondents possess a strong entrepreneurial spirit and are likely to thrive in entrepreneurial endeavors. The entrepreneurial intention of the respondents as to perceived desirability, social support, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy revealed moderate agreement and that they share a positive outlook on entrepreneurship and have the necessary resources to pursue their entrepreneurial goals. A high significant relationship was found between entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial intention among business students which contributes to positive outlook on entrepreneurship and have the necessary resources to pursue their entrepreneurial goals. An entrepreneurial development framework was developed for business students.

Keywords: entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial framework


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsm.2024.1081

Cite this article:
Song, W. (2024). Entrepreneurial skills, orientation and intention: Basis for students’ entrepreneurial framework. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(6), 107-118. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsm.2024.1081