2013 IJRSET – Volume 2 Issue 2
Available Online: 1 August 2013
Wang, Chi Yuan
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC (lead0409@yahoo.com.tw)
Ching, Gregory S.*
Graduate School of Educational Leadership & Development, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, ROC (gregory_ching@yahoo.com)
Social networking software or what people are more familiar with “Facebook” has truly affected each and every person in the world. More so with students, Facebook has already become part of their daily activities. In an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting, it is quite interesting if students would also spend the same time and effort in learning a foreign language. With this in mind, the current study describes the various background factors regarding students’ use of Facebook in a science and technology university in Taiwan. Similarly, the Big Five Personality inventory is also use to further describe the inherent factors that influence students’ Facebook use and behaviors. Participants are 132 volunteer EFL students. Statistical analysis shows that most EFL students are link to the personality trait “Openness”. While freshmen students tend to be emotionally less stable compared to the other participants from higher years. With regards to the students’ Facebook habits, results show that students on average spend around 15 minutes twice a day browsing the site. Interestingly students who are emotionally less stable tend to spend more time on Facebook and possess a larger number of member communities. In sum, Facebook has brought forth numerous opportunity for students to become more engaged within a community. It is recommended that such scenario should be adapted more effectively in language learning, hence, achieve a more interactive approach to learning.
Keywords: social networking sites; Facebook; personality; behavior; time-spent online
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrset.2013.434
Cite this article:
Wang, C. Y., & Ching, G. S. (2013). A study on the relationship of Facebook and EFL learners’ personality. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 2(2), 3-18. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrset.2013.434
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