Configuration of value system on rural entrepreneurs at Tasikmalaya West Java Indonesia

2015 IJRSP – Volume 4 Issue 1


Hidayat, Dede Rahmat*
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia (


The aim of study was to examine the form of the configuration of the value system on entrepreneurs who are owner of small and medium enterprises at Tasikmalaya, West Java. The kind of research is survey, amount of respondents are 413 persons who has chosen by purposive sampling technique, they are producers of traditional industry at Tasikmalaya, such as handicraft, embroidery, and sandals. An instrument which has used to measure value is the value systems from Spranger which are 6 values contains, there are theory (science), economic, religiosity, social, power and art (aesthetic). Result of the study was found that religiosity and social values as the dominant value of the system, meanwhile economic value as the important value for business only at the third place. In correlation with success as an entrepreneur, result of analysis has found there were non-significant correlation between each value of the value system and success. Indicator of success for the enterprise are number of employee, income, and property ownership, like as vehicle, plant (place of manufacture) and assets. Those are entire system result correlation between value and success. Value of theory is r = -.019, Economic value is r = -.084, social value is r = -.017, value of the power = -.019, religiosity value is r = .002, value of art (culture) r = .023. The conclusion of this research is the configuration of the system of value on rural entrepreneurs at Tasikmalaya is dominated by social and religiosity value. In this perspective of modern business is not supporting to developing their business but for themselves business are not only about to increase of income earnings but the way to helping to others.

Keywords: value systems; rural entrepreneurs; small and medium enterprises



*Corresponding Author