Instrument development of the environment ethics on high school students

2015 IJRSP – Volume 4 Issue 3


Sastra Wijaya, Yuliatri*
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia (

Andriani, Yunis
SMA Negeri OKU, Indonesia (


This study aimed to develop an instrument that evaluates the environment ethics on high school students. Sampling technique in this study was randomized stages (multistage random sampling). Development of test theoretical point statement based on expert and panelist. The Scale used in this study was Likert scales. Based on the tests and panelists expert produce 61 point statements. The test was executed in two stages of 610 high school students in Jakarta, Bogor and Lampung. Data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the first test, the items were reduced as much as nine points previously repaired models (re-specification). In the second trial based on the fit model test, it fits the standards for fit model and does not need to be furbished up again, the item is brought down as much as 3-point statement, so that the final instrument consists of 49 points. Having tested the validity and reliability, it can be concluded that this instrument is valid and reliable. Further trials are still needed by the greater number of samples and more variety to produce a standardized instrument.

Keywords: instrument development; ethics; environment; standardized instrument



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