Mental revolution of child bullying victims in Indonesia: Parenting styles and ethnic groups effect

2015 IJRSP – Volume 4 Issue 3


Fataruba, Rina*
University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia (


Recently, there has been a lot of information about bullying at school provided in the printed media or on the electronic media such as television broadcasts. In general, aggressive behavior or violence is common at schools in Indonesia, but is not getting enough attention. Even, it might not be considered as something serious. The characteristics of students identified as perpetrators of bullying showed 1.65 times more apparent in children from families with authoritarian parenting style compared with those who come from the families with open parenting style (participatory). Besides, bullying results from ethnic differences or races. It refers to the physical appearance such as skin color, hair style, and etc. Bullying which results from those differences tend to appear among children in various ethnic groups and races, but bullying among children who are from the same ethnic group and races is also inevitable. One of the strategies to minimize bullying at schools in Indonesia is to implement a religion and culture-based curricula to support the mental revolution program at schools. This strategy needs to be done through some curriculum areas such as personal development, health and physical education, child protection education and character building.

Keywords: bullying victims; parenting styles; ethnic groups; mental revolution



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