Rouf, Kazi Abdur*
Research Associate; York Center for Asian Research (YCAR) (
Visiting Scholar; Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
Faculty of Noble International University, Canada
There is a debate on whether there should be a global definition of poverty that applies to all countries. Many people ask questions why we not have a more universal approach to address poverty. Is it too pragmatic to think that a universal approach is needed to address global poverty? However, my working experiences in different countries show external agencies universal definition of poverty and poverty prescriptions for social and economic development are not effective to local living socio-economic development rather contextually designed good governance programs suite for local development and to address the issue of poverty. For example, Grameen Bank micro-finance, Grameen America USA, Desjadin Credit Union Canada, Mondragon Spain, Natural Agriculture Thailand, Participatory Budget Brazil, BRAC non-formal education in Bangladesh and BIKASH in Bangladesh, Nijera Kori, and SWEA of Indian women cooperatives are well known local initiatives to address the issue of local poverty and unemployment. Therefore, the article emphasis that while poverty is a global problem resulting from global issues, its solution can only be found locally and therefore the nature of poverty must be defined locally.
Keywords: capitalism; human development index; human poverty index; globalization; multinational corporations; poverty; structural adjustment policy; participatory poverty assessment
*Corresponding Author