Patients’ perception on interpersonal skills of doctor-patient relationship in Fatmawati Public Teaching Hospital, Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital, and Harapan Bunda Hospital Jakarta Indonesia

2015 IJRSM – Volume 4 Issue 2


Ekayanti, Fika*
State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia (;

Dwiyanti, Sophie
State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia (

Nasrudin, Nasrudin
State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia (


Professionalism in doctor-patient relationship is influenced by the capability on performing excellent interpersonal skills. Those are consisted of verbal and non-verbal communication skills, listening skills, negotiating skills, problem solving skills, decision making skills, and assertive skills. Kalamazoo Consensus Statement set those skills into seven aspects of communication and interpersonal skills process. The hypothesis of the study was that no significant difference based on patient’s perception to doctors’ interpersonal skills between different places of work. To identify the difference of doctor’s characteristic of interpersonal skills in RSUP Fatmawati as the public hospital, RS Syarif Hidayatullah as Islamic private hospital and RS Harapan Bunda as the general private hospital. The study design was cross sectional with 150 samples for each hospital (total samples were 450 samples). Data was gathered by using the questionnaires within September to December 2013, and analyzed by SPSS 16 using Pearson chi square test. There was significant difference between doctors characteristic of interpersonal skills in RSUP Fatmawati, RS Syarif Hidayatullah dan RS Harapan Bunda. The lowest interpersonal skill was obtained by RS Syarif Hidayatullah. The decent attitude and behavior of doctor’s performance from patients’ perspective was low (20.7%). The doctor’s characteristic of interpersonal skills has significantly different based on the work place. It needs hospital intervention to improve the quality of service for the patients.

Keywords: professionalism; doctor and patient relationship; interpersonal skills; public hospital; private hospital



*Corresponding Author