Ecological economics to protect the planet from ecocide and free people from iron cage consumerism

2014 IJRSM – Volume 3 Issue 1


Rouf, Kazi Abdur*
University of Toronto and Noble International University, USA (


This paper reviews Tim Jackson’s (2011) book ‘Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet’ and justifies restless capitalistic consumption economic growth doesn’t necessarily deliver genuine green altruistic social progress. Although economic growth is the foundation of social prosperity, the existing globalized liberal monopoly based on a consumer market economy, ecocides (destroy ecology) our planet. Moreover, investments turn into debt crisis by creating social inequalities, unemployment, and miserable poverty in the world. This contributes to social recession and jeopardizes civil sustainable development (Jackson, 2011). Therefore, Tim Jackson (2011) in his book mentions that a new social and ecological altruistic vision of prosperity based on a green sustainable economy is urgent and essential. The paper also finds that capitalist prosperity is not synonymous with ecocide material wealth. To address this ecocide committed by rampant capitalism, and to generate civic common prosperous green social economy for all, this paper suggests states should deregulate some macroeconomic policies and emphasis more on green social micro economics policies and strategies so the iron grip of the unethical consumerism and its immoral social logic could be dismantled. However, it is also essential the state should focus on the micro-economic community development policies and strategies handled with environmental care. As a result, this development would create altruistic human beings and establish eco-friendly environmental justice in the world.

Keywords: economic growth and prosperity; consumer capitalism; ecological debt; iron cage consumerism; Cinderella economy; ecological investment; hedonism; work sharing policy



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