2015 IJRSLL – Volume 4 Issue 4
Rezaei Zadeh, Zahra*
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran (zrzc2@yahoo.com)
Baharlooei, Roya
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran (royabaharlooie@yahoo.com)
Simin, Shahla
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran (shahlasimin@yahoo.com)
This study was conducted to compare the interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers in conclusion sections of English Teaching, English Translation, and English Literature Master Theses to find out if there are significant differences among conclusion sections of these Master Theses in terms of the frequency and types of interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers. To this end, 30 Master Theses of English Translation, English Teaching, and English Literature (10 from each) were selected randomly from library of Isfahan University, Islamic Azad university of Arak, and Islamic Azad university of Najaf Abad. Conclusion sections of these theses were written and stored in folders of Teaching, Translation, and Literature in computer. These were followed by analyzing the frequency and types of interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers in each section-in accordance with Hyland (2005) Taxonomy. In Descriptive analysis, the results show that Interactional Markers among these disciplines were employed more than Interactive ones. Interactional Markers were used considerably more in English Translation than in English Teaching and English Literature. Transitions were applied more than other interactive markers. Moreover, the findings indicate that there are significant differences among these disciplines considering use of interactive and interactional markers. The results of the present study might offer pedagogical implication of this aspect of meta-discourse for Assistant professors, Master candidates of Applied Linguistics to consider these markers in Master Theses more efficiently.
Keywords: meta-discourse; interactive markers; interactional markers; masteral thesis; taxonomy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsll.2015.1081
*Corresponding Author