Arrosyad, M. Iqbal*
University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia (
Murwaningsih, Tri
University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia (
Winarni, Retno
University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia (
This research purpose to develop materials learning based of painting on local wisdom for grade 4 students through a handbook, consisting of teacher books and student books that can enhance student creativity. This painting material includes painting lessons with local wisdom themes and guided using correct and easily understood painting techniques by students. This instructional material is equipped with competence map to be achieved by students, description of student learning materials, exercise questions, and assessment used to measure student’s competence on the result of painting and creativity. Research methods in research and development are using Borg and Gall technique. Expert validation results show teaching materials based on local wisdom to improve students’ creativity valid and very feasible to use. Students’ responses to an understanding of local wisdom have increased by 95%. Teaching materials based on local wisdom to improve creativity can improve the competence of painting and creativity of students. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference between the post test of the experimental group and the control group. The pretest average of 77.63 and post-test 86.16 in the experimental group showed a significant increase of 8.53. The average of pretest control group is 68.22 and post-test 80.44, with the value of 12.22, it can be said that experimental group using new teaching materials is effective in improving students’ painting ability.
Keywords: teaching materials; painting; local wisdom; creativity; elementary school
*Corresponding Author