Measuring training participants’ changing performance using self-reporting methods and their implication in the Grameen Bank training evaluation

2018 IJRSE – Volume 7 Issue 2


Rouf, Kazi Abdur*
York Center for Asian Research (YCAR), York University
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Environment, York University
Noble International University (MIU), Canada (


Transfer of learning through training contributes to clients, managers, and organizations’ success in achieving organizational goals. Therefore, learning gained evaluation is very important to measures transfer of learning and skills development of employees. However, to avoid training evaluation costs, usually institutions are not interested to evaluate its training performance by outside evaluators and consultants. Hence, less expensive self-reporting training evaluation methods are popular to evaluate training participants’ changing performance and their contributions in achieving institutional goals. This paper reviews self-reporting different training evaluation methods and their suitability of using Grameen Bank’s training evaluation in order to measure learning achievement and skills development of the Grameen Bank’s officials. The paper also discusses prospective and retrospective self-reporting methods and compares them with other training measurement methods to find an appropriate training evaluation method for Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.

Keywords: Grameen Bank; response bias; self-assessment; self-reporting; and training evaluation



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