Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools (CFCRS): A policy analysis

2016 IJRSE – Volume 5 Issue 4


Iftekhar, Syed Nitas
Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur, India (

Kayombo, Joel Jonathan*
Beijing Normal University, China (


This study aims at analysing the Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running schools (CFCRS) policy in China. The two major legislative documents related to CFCRS are Interim Provisions on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools (1995) and the Regulations on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools (2003). The major thrusts of these policy documents were to regulate the highly growing transnational higher education (TNHE). The analysis utilizes the Four Frame Policy Analysis Model developed by Yin Cheong Cheng and Wing Ming Cheung (1995). The Framework was used to dissect the policy process into four frames; background and underlying principles; policy formulation process; policy implementation (gaps between implementation and planning); and policy effects. Both, practical and legal challenges facing CFCRS are discussed in this analysis and suggestion for improvement are put forward. The analysis concludes by asserting that the policy has been a success though there are still some challenges and shortcomings that need to be addressed for the policy to realize the desired goals.

Keywords: policy analysis; policy process; higher education; reforms; transnational higher education; foreign cooperation; China



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