An analysis of the relationship between learning satisfaction and academic achievement of non-traditional learners in Singapore

2014 IJRSE – Volume 3 Issue 1


Khiat, Henry*
SIM University, Singapore (


This study investigated the relationship between the learning satisfaction and academic achievement of non-traditional learners in Singapore. Data were collected from 880 students through a component of the student evaluation exercise in a Singapore university in 2011. A mixed-methods approach was adopted in the analysis. Spearman’s rho coefficient stated that there is a weak but significant correlation between academic achievement and learning satisfaction. Coding and categorization of the qualitative data explained that the types of learning satisfaction can be derived from three categories as perceived by the respondents: a) Instructors; b) Learning resources and c) Non learning related factors. Pearson Chi-square test for independence further indicated that there is a significant association between the level of learning satisfaction and the types of learning satisfaction. Understanding how learning satisfaction originated from non-traditional learners in the case university is important as the case university can focus on addressing them as a starting point to improve their learning satisfaction which can impact on student learning. At the same time, from a research viewpoint, this study can contribute to the existing relevant literature related to learning satisfaction of non-traditional learners.

Keywords: academic achievement; inferential statistics; learning satisfaction; non-traditional learner; Singapore



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