Available Online: 25 January 2012
Lin, Hsiu Fen*
Cultural Worker International Education, Taiwan, ROC (linshowfen@yahoo.com.tw)
Sung, Hui Chuan
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, ROC (t10003@ntnu.edu.tw)
This study uses the comparative education theory proposed by G. Z. F. Bereday with the aim of analyzing the kindergarten accreditation system of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Interviews were accomplished with school administrators, scholars (experts) who are responsible for the kindergarten accreditation in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Results show that within cities and counties in Taiwan, the kindergarten and pre-school counseling are considered to be temporarily evaluation, and while some counties even uses a parallel system of evaluation and early childhood education counseling program. However, in Hong Kong, evaluation has been ongoing already for the past several years. In Taiwan, evaluation is mostly regarded negatively, while in Hong Kong evaluation is regarded as a positive undertaking.
Keywords: educational evaluation; academic performance; early childhood education; comparative study; accountability
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2012.v1i2.54
Cite this article:
Lin, H. F., & Sung, H. C. (2012). A comparative study on the Kindergarten evaluation system between Taiwan and Hong Kong. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 1(2), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2012.v1i2.54
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