Bagheri, Mohammad*
University of Tehran, Iran (
The current study draws on Bandura’s (1977) social cognitive theory and Weiner’s (1985) attribution theory to investigate the effects of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and causal attributions with respect to perceived success/failure in teaching profession on their burnout and job satisfaction. To collect data, 165 Iranian EFL teachers were requested to respond to an online self-report questionnaire consisting of self-efficacy, causal dimension, and Maslach Burnout scales. Investigation of data using correlation and mediation analyses indicated that teachers’ self-efficacy about student engagement and attribution of performance to internal controllable causes correlated with less burnout and higher satisfaction. Furthermore, it was found out that self-efficacy and attribution independently predicted psychological adjustment and job satisfaction. Implications for professional development and intervention programs are discussed.
Keywords: Iranian EFL teachers; sense of self-efficacy; causal attribution; burnout; psychological adjustment
*Corresponding Author