Ntim, Stephen*
Catholic University of Ghana, Fiapre, Ghana (
Opoku-Manu, Michael
Catholic University of Ghana, Fiapre, Ghana (
This study reports the differential roles of teachers and parents at the level of Early Childhood Education in Ghana. Using random stratified purposive sampling of one hundred and forty respondents, the following were the key findings: a) parents and teachers showed differences and similarities in their over-all assessment of the perception of their respective roles; b) professional judgment of teachers on parental involvement indicated that teachers at the Early Childhood Education level expected parents to be involved in the homes and in the schools, but with the appropriate level of parental involvement in the latter; c) whether or not parents felt obliged to be involved was critically shaped by their attitudes which in turn were influenced by their background, especially educational attainment. Significant differences were observed. While parental responses suggested unequal dependencies in all key domains among rural and less educated parents, it was less so with urban educated parents.
Keywords: early childhood education; parents; teachers; perception; roles
*Corresponding Author