Restaurant experience, brand equity, and brand reputation of specialty restaurants in Calabarzon region: Basis for restaurant branding framework

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
United Tourism and Hospitality Professionals Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 7

Available Online: 15 July 2024


Cantela, Seuz Rey R.*
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (

Ylagan, Alex D.
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (


This study aims to assess the restaurant experience, brand equity and brand reputation of specialty restaurants in the CALABARZON Region. Particularly, described the demographic profile of the respondents; assess the restaurant experience of the specialty restaurant; determine the brand equity of the specialty; identify the brand reputation of specialty restaurant; test the significant difference in restaurant experience, brand equity and brand reputation when grouped according to profile variables; test the significant relationship of restaurant experience, brand equity, and brand reputation; and propose a framework for restaurant experience, brand equity and brand reputation of the specialty restaurant in CALABARZON region. The researcher utilizes a quantitative-descriptive research design that used descriptive correlation analysis. This research design aims to describe the variables and relationships that occur naturally between and among them. Results revealed there was a significant difference in terms of sex, specifically in the quality of food on the assessment on restaurant experience when compared according to profile, it also reveals that none of the respondent’s profiles are significantly different in the ratings. Further analysis shows that females have higher ratings on the said indicator as compared to males. There is a significant relationship between restaurant experience, brand equity, and brand reputation. Moreover, the three indicators are highly connected to some aspects of specialty restaurants specifically the quality of food, brand identification and customer centricity and empathy. The strong direct correlation of restaurant experience, brand equity, and brand reputation complements each other leading to a strong foundation of specialty restaurants to sustain in the food and service industry.

Keywords: brand equity, brand reputation, restaurant experience, restaurant industry, specialty restaurant



Cite this article:
Cantela, S. R. R., & Ylagan, A. D. (2024). Restaurant experience, brand equity, and brand reputation of specialty restaurants in Calabarzon region: Basis for restaurant branding framework. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(7), 117-130.

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