Habitat comfort and emotional dimensions in rural tourism of Northeastern Sichuan Province in China: A basis for pro-environmental behavior framework

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
United Tourism and Hospitality Professionals Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 7

Available Online: 15 July 2024


Li, Shangze*
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (lishangze19950820@163.com)

Mendoza, Evangeline H.
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (eomendoza@lpubatangas.edu.ph)


This study aimed to develop and validate a comprehensive framework that integrated habitat comfort, emotional dimensions, and pro-environmental behavior in the context of rural tourism in the Northeastern Region of Sichuan Province, China. Specifically, it described the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, highest educational attainment, occupation, and visitor origin. It identified the level of habitat comfort of the respondents in terms of natural environment, spatial environment, human environment, and artificial environment. It examined the level of emotional dimension of the respondents in terms of pleasure, arousal, and dominance. It also examined respondents’ pro-environmental behaviors in terms of conservation lifestyle, land stewardship, social environmentalism, and environmental citizenship. Additionally, it tested the significant differences in responses when grouped according to profile variables and the significant relationship between habitat comfort, emotional dimension, and pro-environmental behavior of tourists. Finally, it developed and validated a research framework based on the findings. The respondents of this study were 401 tourists who had traveled to the rural areas of northeastern Sichuan. Stratified random sampling method was used, determined using the Slovins formula with a margin of error of 5%. This study utilized both descriptive and quantitative research methods. The descriptive research method is a fact-finding study that accurately interprets the findings. Through exploration and analysis, this method reveals how habitat comfort and emotional dimensions influence tourists’ pro-environmental behaviors in rural tourism in northeastern Sichuan Province, China. A quantitative approach was used to collect data significant to this study through questionnaires. Majority of respondents were between the ages of 27 and 42, with more women than men, and most had a college degree or higher, working in a variety of professions and dominated by domestic visitors. Habitat comfort has a significant positive impact on tourists’ pro-environmental behavior. Habitat comfort has a significant positive effect on tourists’ emotional dimensions. Emotional dimensions have a significant positive effect on tourists’ pro-environmental behavior. A framework of pro-environmental behavior based on habitat comfort and emotional dimensions was developed and validated based on the results of the study.

Keywords: habitat comfort, pro-environmental behavior, rural tourism


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsm.2024.2005

Cite this article:
Li, S., & Mendoza, E. H. (2024). Habitat comfort and emotional dimensions in rural tourism of Northeastern Sichuan Province in China: A basis for pro-environmental behavior framework. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(7), 49-64. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsm.2024.2005

* Corresponding Author