Users experience, logistic management and market promotion: Basis for cross border e-commerce platform improvement framework

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 8

Available Online: 30 July 2024


Lei, Yang
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines


This study aimed to analyze the user experience, logistic management and market promotions of e-commerce businesses as basis for developing an improved e-commerce platform framework. In this study, a descriptive technique was employed to evaluate the variables under investigation and to systematically establish the circumstances. There are 385 research participants’ customers of e-commerce businesses in China who are purposively selected. The SPSS program was used to examine the data that was collected through a survey questionnaire. According to the study’s findings, there was a moderate degree of agreement among the respondents on the user interface, creative material, and emotional experience. The e-commerce businesses often experience logistics management in terms of logistic visibility, regional supply chain risk management and customer support and after sales service as agreed by the respondents. The e-commerce businesses are practicing promotion activities from the perspectives of target audience positioning, promotion channel strategies, brand building, and communication. There were high significant relationships that exist among user experience, logistics challenges and marketing promotion strategies. An Improved E-commerce platform framework was proposed.

Keywords: e-commerce platform, user experience, logistics challenge, marketing promotion strategies, creative content



Cite this article:
Lei, Y. (2024). Users experience, logistic management and market promotion: Basis for cross border e-commerce platform improvement framework. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(8), 163-171.