Live streaming marketing campaign, psycho-social factors, and consumers’ patronage behavior: Basis for consumer acquisition framework

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 8

Available Online: 30 July 2024


Wu, Yunfei
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines


Technology serves as a driver of progress, whether in the field of education, politics, or business. Hence, in order to keep up in this ever-evolving world, one must have a mindset that is open to change and innovation to acquire customers in this era and to continuously move forward.  This study aimed to determine the extent of consumers’ engagement with live-streaming marketing campaigns in terms of streamer’s credibility, media richness and interactivity; assess the consumers’ psycho-social factors in terms of personality traits, work-life balance, and work engagement; examine their patronage behavior in terms of resistance to change, position involvement, volitional choice, loyalty  and informational complexity; test the significant relationship among live-streaming marketing campaigns; psycho-social factors and patronage behavior of consumers; and to propose consumer acquisition framework. A descriptive approach was used in this study to systematically define the conditions, and assess the variables that were examined.  The research respondents are rank and file employees with live streaming experience. A survey questionnaire was used for data collection which was subsequently analyzed using the SPSS software. Based on the finding of the study, respondents generally disapprove of the current live streaming marketing campaigns such as streamer credibility, media richness, interactivity in terms of their effectiveness in engaging consumers.  The psycho-social aspects assessment indicates that respondents generally disagree of the assertions regarding personality, work-life balance, work engagement. Consumers, in general, express disagreement with the claims regarding their patronage behavior in terms of resistance to change, position involvement, volitional choice, loyalty and informational complexity. There was no statistically significant correlation observed between live streaming marketing initiatives and psycho-social elements. The study found a statistically significant correlation between the credibility of the streamer and viewer loyalty, as well as between the richness of the media and viewer loyalty. There was a statistically significant relationship between personality traits and informational complexity. Customer acquisition framework was developed. and maybe adapted to improve competitive advantage.

Keywords: live streaming marketing campaigns, psycho-social, patronage behavior, customer acquisition, viewer loyalty



Cite this article:
Wu, Y. (2024). Live streaming marketing campaign, psycho-social factors, and consumers’ patronage behavior: Basis for consumer acquisition framework. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(8), 139-150.