Product quality, brand image and customer service of home appliance companies: Inputs to sales strategic plan

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 12 Issue 8

Available Online: 30 July 2024


Su, Siying
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (
Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, China


Sales strategy is the backbone of most businesses and is the engine that drives revenue growth, profitability, and ultimately, business success. This study aimed to deeply explore the relationships between product quality, brand image, and customer service in the Chinese home appliance companies, providing guidance for the formulation and refinement of the sales strategic plan. A descriptive method of research with stratified sampling of 400 consumer using adopted and modified questionnaire was utilized. This questionnaire was subjected to content validation to check the internal consistency and establish coherence among items. Pilot testing was done to assure the reliability of the survey questionnaire. Statistical analysis used were weighted mean, ranking and frequency. Shapiro Wilk Test was utilized to determine the normality of the data while Spearman Rho was used to test the significant relationship between product quality, brand image and customer service. SPSS version 28 was used to analyze with 0.05 alpha level. The respondents agreed that the products are of low quality and perceived to have low brand image. The respondents are dissatisfied on the customer service provided by economy products company. There was a high significant correlation between product quality, brand image and customer service in the home appliance industry and a sales strategic plan was developed.

Keywords: sales, strategic plan, product quality, brand image, customer service, home appliance industry



Cite this article:
Su, S. (2024). Product quality, brand image and customer service of home appliance companies: Inputs to sales strategic plan. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 12(8), 85-97.