Antecedents of motivation, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior of contract of service employees in SAMARICA: A basis for human resource intervention

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
Divine Word College of San Jose Special Issue
2023 Volume 11 Issue 1

Available Online: 25 April 2023


Cahilo, Salvacion D.*
Divine Word College of San Jose, Philippines (

Limos-Galay, Jenny A.
Divine Word College of San Jose, Philippines

Tampol, Renato A.
Divine Word College of San Jose, Philippines


The central problem of this study was to determine the predictors of motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) of the Contract of Service employees of Local Government of Unit (LGU) of San Jose, Magsaysay, Rizal, and Calintaan (SAMARICA). A mixed-exploratory methodology was utilized. The qualitative method was used to determine the challenges of the contractual employees while a quantitative research design was used to examine the level of motivation, job satisfaction, and OCB. The general evaluation was performed through 296 Contract of Service employees in the local government units of SAMARICA area. Job characteristics, compensation and benefits, and training and development emerged from the thematic analysis. These themes were used to predict respondents’ attitudes and behavior in the workplace. Job characteristics and compensation and benefits were the only two antecedents that significantly predicted employees’ internal motivation. Employees’ integrated motivation was predicted only by compensation and benefits. Similarly, job characteristics and training and development were discovered to be predictors of identified motivation. Finally, job characteristics were the sole predictor of external motivation. Contract of service employees valued training and development and job characteristics the most in demonstrating internal job satisfaction. Employees valued job characteristics, compensation and benefits, and training and development when seeking external job satisfaction. It was revealed that job characteristics and training and development predicted altruism; job characteristics and compensation and benefits predicted conscientiousness, and job characteristics predict civic virtue. Finally, job characteristics as well as training and development were found to be predictors of employees’ sportsmanship.

Keywords: motivation, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors, contract of service, LGU, SAMARICA



Cite this article:
Cahilo, S. D., Limos-Galay, J. A., & Tampol, R. A. (2023). Antecedents of motivation, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior of contract of service employees in SAMARICA: A basis for human resource intervention. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 11(1), 45-58.

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