Transformational leadership practices, teachers’ communicative ability and motivation in Chinese higher vocational institutions

International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning
CollabWritive Special Issue
2024 Volume 10 Issue 2

Available Online: 15 June 2024


Xie, Ailing
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines


This study determined the transformational leadership, communicative ability, and motivation among instructors in Chinese higher vocational institutions. A descriptive survey with 500 randomly selected respondents revealed a demographic mostly aged 41 to 51, predominantly female, with master’s degrees, and 11 to 15 years of teaching experience. Consensus was high on transformational leadership, particularly moral model, individual consideration, and inspirational motivation, with charism or idealized influence receiving the lowest assessment. Communicative ability was ranked from dissatisfied to learner autonomy. In terms of motivation, respondents concurred that motivators are more effective than hygiene factors. Younger instructors aged 20-30, holding a doctorate degree, and with 1 to 5 years of teaching experience exhibited higher motivation assessments. Males in this demographic showed more favorable evaluations of transformational leadership and communicative ability. Significant differences emerged based on educational status, with sex influencing variations in inspirational motivation, and age impacting charismatic or idealized influence, inspirational motivation, leadership, and hygiene factors. Positive leadership positively influences warm communicative abilities and control dimensions, but hinders them in negative contexts. Strong communicative ability in positive dimensions enhances teacher motivation, while in negative dimensions, it exhibits a negative correlation with motivation. To improve Chinese higher vocational institutions, recommendations include implementing innovative strategies, promoting learner autonomy, boosting teacher motivation, establishing continuous assessment systems, and encouraging collaboration.

Keywords: transformational leadership practices, teachers’ communicative ability, motivation



Cite this article:
Xie, A. (2024). Transformational leadership practices, teachers’ communicative ability and motivation in Chinese higher vocational institutions. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 10(2), 81-95.