Development of self-learning modules to foster the basic science process skills acquisition

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Special Luminary Issue
Volume 14 Issue 4

Available Online:  20 February 2025


Roa, Glenn Reuben B.*
Davao Oriental State University-Banaybanay Campus, Philippines (

Fajardo, Maria Teresa M.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Philippines (


The COVID pandemic had made science educators realized the dearth of effective learning resources for distance education. There is a need to produce materials that promote the acquisition of science process skills in remote learning situations. The study is about design and development of a science module to address the effective acquisition of science process skills in distance education mode. The objective of this study is to determine the knowledge of science teachers on science process skills, their frequency and ease of science process skills integration as an input to the design of the learning material intended for distance education mode. ADDIE Model was used a guide in the curriculum material designing process. An instrument adopted from the study of Miles (2010) was used to measure the science teachers’ basic science process skills. Another survey instrument was validated and used to gather the data from 64 respondents to know their integration practice in terms of frequency, challenges and ease of integration. Findings indicated that the Grade 9 science teachers did well in most science process skills except in observe and communicate. Among the science process skills, science teachers declared that making prediction is the most challenging skill to develop. Furthermore, the developed SLMs were rated by science experts as highly acceptable in terms of objectives, intellectual property rights compliance, content, layout, and language assessment, inclusion of Basic SPS. There is a need to provide professional development to improve the science teachers’ efficacy and skills in promoting science process skills acquisition. The developed SLMs may be submitted to the DepEd LRMDS for further evaluation.

Keywords: science process skills, scientific literacy, students’ achievement, self-learning modules, modular distance learning



Cite this article:
Roa, G. R. B., & Fajardo, M. T. M. (2025). Development of self-learning modules to foster the basic science process skills acquisition. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 14(4), 59-73.

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