WikaGenZ 2: The development of language among Filipino youth

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Special Luminary Issue
Volume 14 Issue 4

Available Online:  20 February 2025


Francisco, Lanze Nicholai A.*
Manila Science High School, Philippines (lafran7409@gmail.com)

Ituralde, Robert Anthony C.
Manila Science High School, Philippines (rjituralde94@gmail.com)


WikaGenZ 2 examined the neologisms that emerged from Generation Z. This paper discussed the new words created by Gen Z, who act as catalysts for the development of the Filipino language in the present time. It was identified that these new words are commonly used in daily communication, social media, and trends. Studying the characteristics of these words is essential, as they are quickly becoming part of Filipinos’ culture and mainstream language. The study clarified these emerging words’ origins, development, and direction through surveys and interviews with Gen Z individuals. This research recommends a deeper analysis of neologisms to understand better the process of language creation within Gen Z and its impact on the Filipino language.

Keywords: slang, social media, generation Z, Gen Z, lexicon, etymology


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2025.25832

Cite this article:
Francisco, L. N. A., & Ituralde, R. A. C. (2025). WikaGenZ 2: The development of language among Filipino youth. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 14(4), 23-31. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2025.25832

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