Self-confidence and self-actualization: Key factors in coping with stress and depression among international students

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Special Luminary Issue
Volume 14 Issue 2

Available Online:  20 February 2025


Chang, I Hsiung
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan (
Department of Child Care and Industries, Fooyin University, Taiwan

Ching, Gregory S.*
Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy, National ChengChi University, Taiwan (


Self-confidence and self-actualization are often considered key psychological constructs that contribute to resilience and personal growth. It is commonly assumed that self-confidence facilitates self-actualization, forming a foundation for coping with challenges such as acculturative stress during study abroad. This study explores whether self-confidence and self-actualization mediate the relationship between study-abroad-related stress and depression among international students. Using data from 888 international students in Taiwan, as reported in Ching (2021), Ching et al. (2014a, 2014b), and Hu et al. (2022). For the analysis, this study employs Hayes’ PROCESS macro (Model 4) to assess the mediating effects. The results reveal that both self-actualization and self-confidence, when taken separately, significantly and negatively mediates the relationship between stress and depression, suggesting that higher self-actualization and self-confidence reduces the impact of stress on depressive symptoms. Self-confidence, however when taken together with self-actualization, shows no significant mediating effect. These findings highlight the unique role of self-actualization in promoting psychological well-being among international students and suggest that institutional support programs should prioritize opportunities that foster self-actualization as a means to mitigate depression.

Keywords: self-actualization, study abroad stress, depression, mediation analysis, international students



Cite this article:
Chang, I. H., & Ching, G. S. (2025). Self-confidence and self-actualization: Key factors in coping with stress and depression among international students. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 14(2), 1-15.

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