Exploring the identity and spirituality through service learning in a select Catholic university

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Special Luminary Issue
Volume 13 Issue 16

Available Online:  1 October 2024


Vicente, Niku*
De La Salle University, Philippines (niku.vicente@dlsu.edu.ph)

Del Castillo, Fides
De La Salle University, Philippines (fides.delcastillo@dlsu.edu.ph)


This research looked into the profound integration of Service Learning (S-L) within the identity and mission of a select Catholic university in the Philippines. Grounded in the rich tradition of Lasallian spirituality and values, Service Learning emerges as a significant pedagogical approach that fosters holistic development among students while nurturing a deep commitment to social responsibility and active citizenship. By employing thematic analysis and drawing on relevant literature, this study aims to uncover the underlying themes and patterns in students’ experiences and perceptions of service learning. Through the lens of the Lasallian Reflection Framework, this research seeks to explore the impact and contributions of service learning concerning identity and spirituality development. Through this exploration, we aim to illuminate the transformative power of service learning in shaping the lives of students and enriching the fabric of the university community.

Keywords: service learning, youth, ministry, spirituality, school identity, Lasallian reflection framework


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2024.24830

Cite this article:
Vicente, N., & Del Castillo, F. (2024). Exploring the identity and spirituality through service learning in a select Catholic university. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(16), 47-53. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2024.24830

* Corresponding Author