International Journal of Research Studies in Education
CollabWritive Special Issue
Volume 13 Issue 9
Available Online: 15 July 2024
Lu, Weiling
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas, Philippines (
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs General Education is an innovative project sponsored by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG Action #39168) Public Education and Participation Project, approved by the United Nations Secretary and managed by the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs, which aims to promote public participation in the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through education for all. 2020 China successfully reaches one of the goals After China has successfully achieved one of the goals of poverty eradication in 2020, education equity and quality education will become important reform directions in the future. From the policy of “double reduction” in education to quality education that promotes the all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development, and from the combination of youth learning content and personal protection, as well as personal knowledge and skills to achieve the SDGs, many policies guarantee the development of education in a more equitable and sustainable direction, therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the implementation of science and education strategies to help promote Global SDGs General Education.
Keywords: science education strategy, SDGs, general education
Cite this article:
Lu, W. (2024). Accelerating the implementation of science education strategy to promote the general education of global SDGs. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(9), 111-119.