Multimedia and paper annotations in students’ vocabulary acquisition

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Volume 13 Issue 13

Available Online:  30 August 2024


Ruiz, Andrea S.*
Department of Education, Philippines (

Alcantara, Jessica M.
Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology, Philippines


The study was focused on identifying the vocabulary acquisition of students using multimedia and paper annotations. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: What is vocabulary level of Grade 9 students using multimedia annotations? What is the vocabulary level of Grade 9 students using paper annotation? and Is there a significant difference in the vocabulary levels of Grade 9 students using multimedia annotations and paper annotation? Using quantitative research method, the study identified the vocabulary acquisition of grade 9 students using multimedia annotations. It was conducted at Masbate National Comprehensive High School involving 62 grade 9 students. The researcher designed a fifty item multiple choice of vocabulary to determine the students’ vocabulary knowledge at the beginning of the experiment in both groups. The data were statistically analyzed using T-test. The hypothetical question was analyzed and interpreted at 5% level of significance. The results revealed that there were 12 or 38.70% of students who belonged to Upper intermediate; 12 or 38.70 % for intermediate and 7 or 22.58 for elementary level. With the mean difference of 9.87, the study revealed that there is an improvement in students’ vocabulary level using multimedia annotations. Furthermore, the research hypothesis was accepted with the T computed value of -5.276 and T- tabular value of 1.697; because the t- tabular value is higher than the computed value. There was an increment of 71% on the students’ vocabulary acquisition using paper gloss and 54% on students’ vocabulary acquisition using multimedia annotation. The findings led to the conclusion that the students’ vocabulary acquisition using paper annotation has achieved higher improvement than the multimedia annotations and both Paper and Multimedia annotation are effective strategies in improving students’ vocabulary acquisition based on the result of the study. It is therefore recommended to use the paper annotation and multimedia annotation strategies to all students in all grade levels especially during reading sessions for more conclusive results and introduction of paper annotated materials during LAC sessions to the language teachers to help improve students’ vocabulary acquisition.

Keywords: vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary levels, multimedia annotation, paper annotation, students’ vocabulary acquisition



Cite this article:

Ruiz, A. S., & Alcantara, J. M. (2024). Multimedia and paper annotations in students’ vocabulary acquisition. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(13), 43-60.

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