Adult language education in the United States – Accessibility, affordability, and opportunity

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Volume 13 Issue 13

Available Online:  30 August 2024


Stein Smith, Kathleen
Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA (


In the 2024 Olympic Games, people from around the world have come together to attend and to view the games, and – while French and English, along with the language of the host country (in this case, France), are the official languages of the Olympic Games, the presence and interaction of multiple languages has been visible to all (AFSCV, n.d.). In the US, foreign language skills are in demand in the workplace (ACTFL, 2019; NAE, 2017). The vast majority of the US population is over the age of 18, and at the same time, the number of college age students is predicted to decline by 15% between 2025 and 2029, and to decline still further, making the need for language learning opportunities for adults more important than ever (Grawe, 2018; Grawe, 2021; Barshay, 2018). In the presence of so many actual and potential adult learners, adult education and adult foreign language learning are poised to be a growth market. In addition, in a globalized and interconnected world, increasing access, availability, and affordability of adult language education is the right thing to do. This bibliographic essay will describe and examine the issues and challenges facing adult language learning in the US and identify an evidence-based approach to advocacy.

Keywords: adult education, language learning, multilingualism, bilingualism, language advocacy



Cite this article:

Stein Smith, K. (2024). Adult language education in the United States – Accessibility, affordability, and opportunity. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(13), 31-41.