Outcomes of the Iluko orthography trainings as an extension activity of the college of teacher education

International Journal of Research Studies in Education
Volume 13 Issue 13

Available Online:  30 August 2024


Raras, Jaime
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Philippines (jaime.raras@ispsc.edu.ph)


This research endeavor is primarily focused on the outcomes of the extension activities provided by the College of Teacher Education to the elementary teachers of Ilocos Sur and Candon City divisions who were recipients of a training workshop on Iluko orthography some three years ago. A quantitative type of research that employed an achievement test and a survey questionnaire was used in this study. Items on the root words, use of “ti and iti” and other orthography rules were included in the 42-items achievement test. Five variables were used to elicit their answers on the outcomes of the training. Results revealed that the respondents need improvement to elevate their proficiency in identifying the root words of certain Ilokano terminologies and their ability to use “ti and iti” as well as the application of other orthographical rules like hyphenation and spelling is pegged at “good” level only. When these are taken as a whole, the result revealed that their Ilokano orthography proficiency three years after the training is the “same as before.” Despite the respondents’ concurrence that the training-workshop spearheaded by the College of Teacher Education is very significant in their teaching functions as MT teachers, there appears that their proficiency along the various rules of Ilokano orthography did not enhance. The five variables on competencies under investigation showed a very high level of outcomes. The respondents’ ability to work well with others, to reflect on new ideas, to reflect understanding on the topics discussed, and to reflect ability to critique or evaluate problems as well as their ability to express their ideas in words or action are important outcomes of the extension activity initiated by the College of Teacher Education. As a recommendation, a more intensive advocacy campaign through seminars and in-house training to help the MT teachers appreciate and learn more the Ilokano orthography skills should be instituted. Likewise, a more extensive achievement test on various Ilokano orthography rules should be administered. Further, more reading materials as well as manuals in the use of Ilokano orthography should be provided to these MT teachers. Finally, using the same materials and data, a comparative study between the two divisions should be initiated to determine their efficacy use of the said language.

Keywords: outcomes, Iluko orthography trainings, extension activity, achievement test


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2024.24094

Cite this article:

Raras, J. (2024). Outcomes of the Iluko orthography trainings as an extension activity of the college of teacher education. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 13(13), 61-71. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2024.24094