Functionality of the family system within families with disabled children

2022 IJRSE – Volume 11 Issue 12

Available Online:  14 May 2022


Popovska Nalevska, Gorica
Internacional Slavic University, Gavrilo Romanovic Derzavin, Republic of Macedonia (

Popovski, Filip*
St Kliment Ohridski University – Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (

Dimova Popovska, Hristina
High School SABA – Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (


This study aims at inquiring family functionality in families with disabled children in the Republic of Macedonia. 130 parents of children with different types of disabilities took part in this study, using the simple, random and convenient sampling methods. The study adopted the descriptive survey design, using a questionnaire for parents of children with disabilities for providing information about functionality and cohesion in families with disabled child. The questionnaire contained closed type questions, and a Likert scale of a series of statements, on a five-step scale from 1–completely disagree to 5 – completely agree. Parents’ stress levels were measured using the DASS 21 scale. The results of those series of questions showed that in most cases interrelationship does not change, between many parents the relationship strengthened, the spouses became more connected, openly discussed problems and found solutions together, but all their time and devotion was directed towards the child, and very little to their own needs. In terms of family functioning, the families involved in the research shows structured and balanced flexibility, which is the willingness of families to change family rules, which is an important aspect of overcoming the crises that the family faces. Scores on the DASS 21 scale showed severe level of parental stress.

Keywords: family system, family functionality, parents, disabled children, stress



Cite this article:
Popovska Nalevska, G., Popovski, F., & Dimova Popovska, H. (2022). Functionality of the family system within families with disabled children. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11(12), 1-11.

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