2022 IJRSE – Volume 11 Issue 6
Available Online: 14 March 2022
Bautista, Cecilia
Deped-Angono Elementary School, Philippines (cecilia.bautista005@deped.gov.ph)
This study aimed to present the effectiveness of QAR Technique, as a remediation tool in improving comprehension of grade three pupils of Angono Elementary School. The respondents of the study were forty-seven (47) grade three pupils who were found out to be non-readers in the conduct of the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI). The study used the descriptive research design that utilized Question-Answer-Relationship (QAR) Technique in improving Reading Comprehension. This study used the Pre-Test and Post Test Reading materials from Phil-IRI. The result of such test was used to determine the reading performance of each pupil. The content of the pretest was the same with posttest in such a way that the reading skills were measured. Focus of the evaluation is more of the determination of pupils’ comprehension level. The researcher employed the four phases of the Question-and-Answer Relationship namely: Phase 1: Introduction and Model QAR, Phase 2: Phase 2: Model QAR with Subcategories, Phase 3: QAR with Just Right Text, and Phase 4: QAR with Sample Reading Assessment. Action plan crafted based upon the result of the study and from the suggestions and recommendations drawn in the course of implementation. When it was permitted, the researcher personally administered the research instrument to the subject as well as the remediation. After the pretest/posttest, data were tabulated and processed. Appropriate statistical tools were applied. Data were analyzed and interpreted. Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations were formulated.
Keywords: Phil-IRI, question-answer-relationship, reading performance, reading comprehension level, non-readers
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.179
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Bautista, C. (2022). The effectiveness of question-and-answer relationship as a remediation technique in improving reading comprehension of grade three pupils at Angono Elementary School for SY 2019-2020. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11(6), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.179