2022 IJRSE – Volume 11 Issue 4
Available Online: 23 January 2022
Belleza, Saramie*
University of Mindanao Tagum College, Philippines (bellezasaramie@yahoo.com)
Ronamo, Charity
Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology, Philippines (charityronamo@gmail.com)
Vestil, Catherine
Cebu Doctors’ University, Philippines (cathy.vestil@gmail.com)
Ompoc, Ronald
Nasipit Central Elementary School, Philippines (ronaldompoc1983@gmail.com)
The Physical Education teachers have trouble with online classes. It is slower to communicate and it’s harder to keep track of students’ exercise through a computer screen. Some teachers have issues providing feedback when they can’t see the progress made in their students. Teachers have a very limited number of activities and exercises to assign to students because not all students have the equipment needed. This study explores the experiences and challenges encountered by the tertiary Physical Education teachers in online teaching in times of COVID-19 pandemic in UM Tagum College, Cebu Doctors’ University and the Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology. Six college physical education teachers participated in this study. A qualitative case study method employing phenomenological procedures to collect and analyzed the data was used. The challenges encountered by the Physical Education teachers in online teaching includes slow internet connection, outdated device and software, late submission of students’ output, difficulty in assessing performance task, difficulty in demonstration of skills and health issues. Meanwhile, the coping up mechanisms of Physical Education teachers on the challenges encountered involves the use messaging apps which use least amount of data, giving considerations to students, peer tutoring, prerecorded assessment, make a prerecorded video demonstration, and adapting the situation. This study showed that indeed every narrative account of the informant is a text to be read which attempted to determine the multiple concerns of their experiences in the implementation of the new normal education in times of COVID-19 pandemic that remains to be encouraging and exhilarating. Future studies should establish a theoretical framework for online physical education classes by examining the educational value of modifying existing pedagogical methods, content, evaluations, and so on to teach online Physical Education classes more effectively.
Keywords: COVID-19, online learning, physical education teachers, experiences
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.107
Cite this article:
Belleza, S., Ronamo, C., Vestil, C., & Ompoc, R. (2022). Teaching through the screen voices of tertiary PE teachers during pandemic. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11(4), 37-43. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.107
*Corresponding Author